Causses region

The Causses

The landscapes of the causses are characteristic of the geography of the south of the Massif Central. With a karstic-type geology, they have a plateau profile bordered by deep gorges or canyons. The soils of these mid-mountain territories are generally shallow and covered with natural grasslands. Sheep farming of the pastoral type has established itself here and has contributed to the shaping of the landscapes. The main Causses: Causse Méjean, Causse Noir, Causse de Sauveterre, Causse de Blandas and Causse du Larzac.

The open landscapes, the rich heritage and the authenticity of these territories make them privileged sites for hiking and mountain biking. As for the cliffs of the gorges that border these causses, they are major sites for climbing.



Across Causse Mejean in south Massif Central

Mountain bike from volcanoes to Mediterranean Sea through Cevennes
4 routes - 5 or 6 days or the whole lot (16 days)

Surrounded by impressive gorges

4 days / 3 nights

Immensité du causse

4 days tour : 5 days / 4 nights

Itinerary in loops : 3 days / 2 nights ou 4 days / 3 nights

access door to seranne

Between Herault gorges and Larzac plateau

4 days / 3 nights

adventure through the Larzac plateau, south Massif Central

In the heart of the Grands Causses Regional Natural Park
7 days / 6 nights or 6 days / 5 nights

St Guilhem le Désert mounts

On the ancient medieval way in Languedoc
14 days / 13 nights or 3 times 4 or 5 days

Green water of Tarn river

Cevennes National Park and Grands Causses Natural Park  - 6 days / 5 nights

Guided hike throughout 3 or 4 days.

Sheep-tracks and transhumance in Cévennes

10 days / 9 nights or 11 days / 10 nights

Across Cevennes NP and RNP Grands Causses

Wild spaces of Causses and Cévennes

Endurance in fabulous landscapes

4 or 5 days


Aventure, dépassement de soi ...

Sports adventure in vast open spaces
7 days/ 6 nights

Les paysages ouverts des Causses et le site majestueux des Gorges du Tarn sont une invitation à la randonnée équestre


Between causses and Tarn Gorges

6 days / 5 nights



Walking within wide landscapes

Hike throughout steppes...

3 days / 3 nights